Tuesday, March 13, 2012

They Oughta Make a Photobook: What to do with Old Encylopedias? I know! Destroy them!

This blog is mostly about creating books and photobooks but here we have an interesting photo of a book that most would say has been destroyed but with another look is actually a work of art.  This was found over at Karan Arora's Posterous Blog.  They have tons of other works of art consisting of destroyed books works of art.  I can't imagine how long it took for the artist to car out all those shapes.  I can't imagine how you are supposed to store these works of art.  All I know is that they oughta make a photobook!

Here's another great idea for old encylopedias!

I turned an old encyclopedia into a personal picture display using my scapbooking left overs. You can use any book making sure to find the middle pages, so both sides are the same depth. Have fun and let your imagination go wild.