Look like you are really studious by putting books on your computer! If you are on the computer apparently you don't look studious enough.
According to WIRED in their article about Edward Burtynsky's amazing "Oil" photos, they have an interesting quote about the photos getting an iPad app:
"With app in hand, we were able to confirm the obvious — the iPad will never replace a print on the wall or a well-designed photo book."
This will give all book manufacturers, book binders and the like an extra kick in their step. Nothing, not even an iPad app, can replace the real thing in your hands. Even in 2012.
Professional Photographer films removal of a massive bee hive in his house. YIKES!
Over at a Milwaukee News site, they have an article talking about how children photography might be bad for children or detrimental. Here's a bizarre quote from the article:
"At Shoot the Moon Photography artistic photos are possible. However, newborn photo shoots come with a warning, if not done the right way.
Babies are hanging from trees, or stuffed in jars," explains Vertz as she points to her computer screen and shows us potentially dangerous baby photos found all over the Internet."
Click the link to read more. Who in the world would stuff their baby into a jar just for a photo? WEIRD!
There's a series of amazing photos at ABC News showing bubbles. They are too cool. They somehow got the shot of the bubble popping. Click the link to see!