Friday, February 25, 2011

25 photos that will NOT appear in my photobook!?

When deciding which photo will or will not be in your photo book it’s important to be discerning. Here is a list of photos that WILL NOT appear in my photobook. They won’t even appear here on the website!

1. My ex-girlfriend

2. That picture I took of my bloody toe after a bike accident when I was 13.

3. The shot that my dad took of the pigeon who pooped on my head while visiting Sacre le couer in Paris.

4. That pre-digital camera wasted shot of our left VW Vanagon tire.

5. My construction paper wizard outfit for Halloween circa 1986

6. that massive slug from outside our doorstep that I took too many shots of.

7. All those toilet and bathroom shots from the disposable cameras at my older sister’s wedding.

8. my sixth grade class picture with a full smile and braces everywhere.

9. photos from that family trip to Minnesota where we all argued the whole way home.

10. 6:00 AM blurry shots of dad’s breakfast at Perkins on said trip to Minnesota.

11. My ex-girlfriend #2

12. Photos of my stuffed animal collection.

13. Close up shots of my LEGO guys that I thought would come out really cool looking but came out blurry pieces of garbage.

14. All those dark shots that I took by mistake when I wound my disposable camera and stuffed it into my bag.

15. The photo of the police man who stopped dad on Broadway in NYC for blocking traffic.

16. That pre-digital camera wasted roll of film of pelicans in the Gulf of Mexico.

17. Pretty much every photo that mom says, “Oh, you were so cute, you have to include that one!”

18. photos of us doing yard work.

19. blurry photos of my legs with massive tube socks.

20. Those crazy shots we took in college at a concert where I couldn’t recognize anyone.

21. Random photographs where nobody in the family can identify anybody in the photo.

22. My ex-girlfriend #3

23. Those pre-digital camera wasted shots that I took of a Red Sox game on TV but came out as blurry garbage.

24. Our asparagus circa 1993 that grew a lot that year.

25. The rip in the carpet on the third floor of the church that we never found who was responsible.

What photos will you NOT include in your photobook?