Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Photo Book Ideas from the News: Royal Wedding, Spring and Surviving on Jelly Beans

1.  Royal Wedding Coloring Book/Photo Book
This wedding is going to be very popular all over the world so that's why we made a cool coloring book/photo book!  Enjoy the pictures? Color them!  It's a big book with lots of pages to color and it'll look great on your coffee table. 

2. Spring is Finally Here!
I don't know about the rest of you out there but in the northeast we've been pummelled this winter with so much snow.  We wanted to get you excited about Spring so we made this photo book about spring and the little shoots coming out of the ground!

3.  ...and We Survived on Jelly Beans
A story out of Washington State USA where an older couple survived for a couple days in their car on jelly beans.  Their car had gotten stuck in the snow after they drove it off the road.  Hikers came later to find them and dug them out.  Imagine what a great photo book that would be!