Wednesday, April 25, 2012

They Oughta Make a Photobook: Greek Photographer Takes 24 Hour Panaramic Photo Plus a Super Thunderstorm Photo!

This photographer is truly doing amazing things!

Photo credit from Chris Kotsiopoloulos and Huffington Post

Greek photographer Chris Kotsiopoloulos has an amazing site and is taking some amazing shots.  According to the Huffington Post who talked to him, he said:
"All my photos have a long story to tell -- a story that goes back to the creation of our solar system, the formation of the sun, the planets, the earth and the moon."
He sat in one place with his camera and took photos of each of the sequences during the day and night. 30 hours to be exact.  He took the tons of photos together and compiled them into a panaramic/circular photo.  It almost looks like a fantasy island from some sky world or something. Amazing.

I went over to his site and saw this other amazing video of his photography.  He took 30 minutes to capture these bolts of lightening in Athens Greece.  Truly amazing.

One thing is definitely sure about this Greek... He's gotta make a photobook!